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Teaching Practice
Pratique pédagogique

On this page, you'll find three lesson plans I've taught, complete with reflections, two practicum evaluations, a sample unit plan, and various assessments.

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Sur cette page, vous trouverez trois plans de leçon que j’ai enseignés, accompagnés de réflexions, deux évaluations de stage, un exemple de plan d’unité, et diverses évaluations. 


Lesson Plans

Here are two lesson plans with reflections from my practicums in Grade 2 and Grade 4/5:


  • Grade 2 (Math): This lesson introduced the summative assessment for the unit on Location and movement. Click here to view it.


  • Grade 4/5 (Literacy): This lesson followed a gradual release model, guiding students through an introduction to report writing. Click here to view.


Furthermore. I’m excited to share a literacy lesson my Faculty Advisor evaluated me on during my practicum with the Grade 4/5 class at Codrington. This lesson was a powerful experience, as students deeply engaged in discussions on equity and inclusion and surprised me with their thoughtful insights.


In this lesson, students analyzed the SCDSB Land Acknowledgement and crafted personalized acknowledgments. Their engagement went beyond the classroom; many volunteered to read their acknowledgments over the school announcements in the following weeks. I’ve included a student example at the end of the lesson plan. Click here to explore it!

Practicum Evaluations

During my first practicum, I had the exciting opportunity to work with a lively Grade 2 class at Hewitt’s Creek Public School alongside my fantastic Associate Teacher, Andrea Peters. I was there twice: once in October/November 2023 and again in February/March 2024. I got to know the students and watched their progress over time. Click here to access my final report. 


For my second practicum, I stepped into the world of Gifted education in a dynamic Grade 4/5 class at Codrington Public School with my inspiring Associate Teacher, Kim Remond. This class was especially fascinating, as it included students with various exceptionalities, making for a rich and rewarding teaching experience. I was there in October/November 2024, learning so much about differentiation and engagement. Click here to access my final report. On this practicum, I was also evaluated by Faculty Advisor, Wendy Fairley. Click here to view her evaluation.


Up next is my third placement! In March 2025, I’ll be heading to West Bayfield Elementary to work with another wonderful Grade 2 class. I can’t wait to bring everything I’ve learned so far into this new experience!

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Sample Unit Plans

I designed this Grade 5 Social Studies unit plan to bring learning to life with cross-curricular connections to Language and Visual Arts. It includes detailed assessments for, as, and of learning, along with all lesson plans and resources to support student success. Click here to view.


For a younger audience, I created a Grade 1 Visual Arts unit plan that introduces students to the elements of design in a fun and accessible way. While more concise, it still includes thoughtful assessments for, as, and of learning, along with carefully selected resources to enhance creativity in the classroom. Click here to view.


Assessment Samples

Below, you’ll find examples, insights, and plans for assessment in my teaching practice. Click here to see how I structure a unit to track overall student progress effectively. 


I use engaging pedagogical strategies to activate students' thinking and guide instruction. One of my favorite approaches is the Parking Lot Method, in which students write their thoughts or questions on sticky notes, which we review together as a class. I also incorporate Think-Pair-Share and technology-driven activities like Mentimeter mind maps to foster collaboration and real-time discussions.


During my practicum at Codrington Public School, I conducted a formative assessment quiz before starting a unit on fractions. This provided me with valuable insights into students' prior knowledge, helping me determine an appropriate entry point and tailor my instruction accordingly.


I value self-reflection and student ownership in learning. One of the ways I implement this is through one-on-one conferences, where students articulate their understanding and explain their thought processes. During my practicum at Codrington, I applied this approach in an art unit by having students discuss their artwork and how they applied the success criteria. This reflective process encouraged them to make meaningful adjustments and deepen their understanding.


Moving forward, I would like to further integrate student-driven assessment strategies, such as peer feedback protocols and goal-setting exercises, to strengthen metacognition and encourage students to take an active role in their learning journey.


I believe in transparent and constructive evaluation, using rubrics that highlight both strengths and areas for growth. During my practicum at Hewitt’s Creek Public School, I co-created a success criteria rubric with my Grade 2 students to assess their mapping unit, which you can view here. This collaborative approach ensured fairness and clarity in expectations. I provided feedback using “Glow” (strengths) and “Grow” (areas for improvement) comments, making the assessment process more meaningful for students. 


I adapted this strategy for a Grade 4/5 art assessment, transitioning to a rubric format where each column represented levels 2, 3, and 4, aligning with junior grade expectations. Click here to see an example of this approach in action.

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